
费了九牛二虎之力之后将在hostmonster的网站迁移到VPS上,本以为万事大吉,却没想到却因为停止hostmonster的虚拟空间导致了域名转向的问题(停止了虚拟空间,但是域名是接着续费的),就这样宕机了几天,发邮件却被告知cpanel已经被删除,无法通过hostmonster的控制面板设置zone file,无奈只好迁移到godaddy,不过还好价格也只有1.5刀(呼~~~)。



Thank you for contacting support.

Unfortunately, without an active hosting account, any domain forwarders (since they are contained in the .htaccess file in thehosting account itself) will not and cannot be created. The only type of forwarding that can be done with domain names still active on expired accounts is if you have specific name servers for your new host. If you do not have name server information and would like to have the redirects exactly as they were before, the only options you have are:

– Renew your hosting account with us and reset the forwarders as desired
– Obtain new hosting with another host and direct your name servers to their servers (after which you can create the .htaccess file as needed)
– Transfer the registration for your domains to a different registrar.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.